by Natalie McComb | Jun 7, 2016 | Air Conditioning, Blog, Cooling System, Filters
Car care tips to ensure your vehicle does not overheat or breakdown The weather is heating up, and the windows are being rolled down – it’s summertime! Our families may be taking a vacation from school and work, but we still need to focus our attention on car...
by Natalie McComb | May 20, 2016 | Air Intake, Uncategorized
Driving Through Flood Water Can Cause Engine Stalling Flash floods happen frequently around Hampton Roads. And driving through floodwaters can easily cause engine stalling. Driving through wet conditions can be dangerous enough. But in heavy downpours, the outlying...
by Natalie McComb | May 10, 2016 | What's Going On
Determining Which Car Noises are Normal Automobiles are complex machines. They almost speak to us with their car noises. There are so many moving parts and different processes that get set into motion when we turn on our car. They all come with their own unique set of...
by Natalie McComb | Apr 30, 2016 | Blog, What's Going On
Not All Spark Plug Wiring is Created Equal Did you know that not all spark plug wiring is the same? As the name implies, spark plug wires work by transferring electricity to the plug to create a spark. The condition of these wires is crucially important to your...
by Natalie McComb | Apr 25, 2016 | Blog, What's Going On
Save on Gas this Season Gas prices are always fluctuating. Whether they’re up or down, you can always be vigilant in saving a little dough on gas. Besides, it’s always good to feel like you’re conserving on natural resources. Here are some gas-saving tips to get...