Think you may have a Leaking Radiator?
Have you noticed a puddle forming under your car after letting it sit for a while? Perhaps your temperature gauge has been on the rise. Either way, it is possible that you have a leaking radiator. While this is a relatively common problem, it is one that can leave you stranded should your vehicle overheat. Knowing the signs of a leaking radiator will help you protect your car and your passengers.
Visible Leaking Fluid
Radiators were designed as a heat exchanger and use a liquid-based coolant in the fluid-to-air cooling process. Therefore, the easiest way to detect a leaking radiator is to monitor the surface under your vehicle. This may be your garage floor or your driveway depending on where you typically park your car or truck.
Coolants can come in a variety of colors, but a leaking radiator will often produce either a bright green, orange, or pink liquid. Coolant fluid is extremely toxic to people and pets and should be handled with great care.
If you suspect a leaking radiator and your engine is still warm, the area of the leak may produce steam.
Rising Temperature Gauge
A good indication of a leaking radiator is a quick drop in your vehicle’s coolant reservoir level. Small changes in the reservoir level are not unusual. If you are suspicious of a leak, fill the coolant reservoir and examine it after several days of normal driving. If you happen to notice a constant rise in temperature or even frequent overheating, it is time to take action.
There are myriad ways to temporarily fix a leaking radiator, but you will only be delaying the inevitable. It is best to bring your vehicle into the shop for a professional to assess.
As always, the car experts at Courthouse Auto will be happy to discuss any vehicle maintenance concerns or issues and offer a range of services, those of which include comprehensive coolant system evaluations.